July 9, 2023

Foundations of GODliness - Part 1

Speaker: Roy Mathews Series: Practicing GODliness

Practicing GODliness Series - Message 2


Study Questions:

1. Consider 1 Timothy 4:7-8. The verb train (also discipline or exercise, depending on the version of the Bible you use) is taken from the realm of athletics, referring to preparation for athletic competition. Reflect on what you know about both athletic and spiritual training, and then list what you consider to be the essential elements of training oneself in godliness.

2. One of the essential elements in any training is the commitment of the trainee. What do the following Scripture passages suggest about the nature of commitment? Psalm 63:1; Jeremiah 29:13; Philippians 3:12; 2 Peter 1:5-7

3. According to Titus 1:1, what is the relationship between biblical truth and godliness?

4. Meditate on the following passages of Scripture. What impresses you most about what each one teaches concerning the attitude and actions of a godly person with respect to the Word of God? Joshua 1:8 Psalm 119:11 Acts 17:11 2 Timothy 3:16 James 1:22-25 Revelation 1:3

5. Proverbs 2:1-5 is a good description of how a godly person should study the Scriptures. What insight does this passage give us about meaningful Bible study?

6. Look up the following passages of Scripture, which are expressions of prayers. What do these passages suggest about the place of prayer in our training in godliness? Psalm 27:4 Psalm 86:11 Ephesians 3:16-19

7. How can meditation on each of the following passages of Scripture help us grow in our devotion to God? Psalm 103:8-17 Psalm 139 Isaiah 6:1-5 Isaiah 40:12-26

8. Read chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation. What essential elements characterize worship as you observe it in these chapters? Who is to receive worship? Why is worship essential to godliness?

9. How does growth in our devotion to God affect our conduct and character? (See Deuteronomy 6:1-2; Philippians 3:10.)

10. After listening to Message 2 of the series, will you want to revise any of your answers to questions? Take a moment to write down any aspects of training in godliness you would especially like to focus on for your spiritual growth.

11. The message will highlight the importance of a “quiet time” in developing godliness. If you are already practicing the discipline of a quiet time, you may want to list here any changes you’d like to make to enhance your growth in devotion to God. If you would like to begin a daily quiet time, why not take a step of commitment by writing down when you will do it and what you will do?

Source: Practice of Godliness by Jerry Bridges